Asset Management

Acann Tax & Accounting Services employs a balanced investment strategy aimed to balance risk against return. The overarching single priority for all investments is capital preservation on current assets. While employing a gradient of risk, the portfolio is centered through a diversification of debt instruments, always asset-backed usually performing above market. In a gradient of risk, a balanced investment strategy across several sectors provides consistent cash flow back to the fund on an on-going basis.

Real Estate Development

Acann Tax & Accounting Services purchases and develops land across a broad spectrum of opportunities. Focused on value added properties, our company is currently seeking acquisitions in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors. Development is a critical pillar to the company. A number of elements are taken into consideration for project inclusion, including economic, cultural, social and environmental aspects of providing both immediate and long term benefits to communities.

Acquisitions & Mergers

Acann Tax & Accounting Services looks no further than within its current business portfolio in an effort to identify synergies when contemplating a merger or acquisition. Always looking towards a company’s business activities to increase performance while decreasing costs in its existing structure. Identifying businesses that have complementary strengths and weaknesses, makes strategic sense towards long term growth and stabilization. Our company employs strategies that purchase investments and opportunities on both horizontal and vertical platforms.

Property Management - Residential and Commercial

Acann Tax & Accounting Services is a privately held boutique owned business specializing in both the Residential and Commercial sectors. Properly managing our properties and real estate investment is one of the most important factors in maintaining property value and securing long term investment for Ml of the related funds.

Consulting - Investment

At Acann Tax & Accounting Services, we collaborate with finance and accounting executives, their organizations and specialists across all professional spectrums to bring the finest skillsets towards our investments. We use best practices to establish solutions that support finance responsibilities while balancing the company’s strategic goals. Acann Tax & Accounting Services leads with our industry expertise. Working side-by-side with professional, industry leading asset managers and advisors to help align business activities to a critical few priorities, striking a balance between short-term and long-term goals. Our approach is grounded in our industry strength and commitment to capital preservation strategies across all platforms.